Grand Sport Registry
Grand Sport Registry NCM Brick Page

Our new Grand Sport Registry NCM Brick!

12/15/08: The GSR has a NEW brick in place at the National Corvette Museum! In support of the NCM's building expansion project, we have purchased one of the new hexagon style bricks which will become a permanent addition to the "Corvette Boulevard" area of the new museum addition. As you can see from this rendering, our brick clearly shows our pride as an NCM Lifetime Club Member. If you visit the NCM in the coming year, and we hope you do, be sure to look for this and our other bricks on display.

5/13/05: Thanks to the generosity of the GSR Membership, we managed to collect enough funds to purchase a $2500 24"x24" organizational brick from the National Corvette Museum. The GSR contributed $500 and all the rest came from our membership. Be sure to look for it in the courtyard entryway (currently near the outside soda machines) during your next visit to the NCM.

5/21/09: News Flash! While visiting the National Corvette Museum for the Gathering event in May 2009, we noticed that the soda machines near the museum entrance had been removed. These machines were previously located just above the Grand Sport Registry's brick area (Area 27) and now that they are gone, we find there are about 30 more 4"x8" brick spaces available in our area whereas before there were no spaces left! I spoke with Stephanie Morrill (NCM Membership Director) and she agreed to reserve the remaining spaces for our use for a limited time. If you've always wanted a Grand Sport NCM brick (a brick with Hashmarks) but didn't want to get stuck a looong ways down the sidewalk all by your lonesome, now you can order a GS brick and have it emplaced along with the rest of the GSR's bricks. You better hurry!

3/18/08: We only had space for about 30 of these custom GSR Member bricks and they were snapped us fast. Offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, the response by the GSR Membership was phenomenal, selling out that limited space in only 4 days.

However, we have coordinated with the NCM staff to ensure these custom Grand Sport bricks may still be ordered for placement elsewhere in the sidewalk surrounding the NCM. You may order these or regular bricks directly from the NCM website.

And remember, since the Grand Sport Registry is a Lifetime Business/Club Member of the National Corvette Museum, GSR Members may become NCM Members at a whopping 25% discount on new Family or Individual Memberships. So what are you waiting for? Join the NCM today! After all, it is YOUR museum!

John 'Hutch' Hutchinson
GSR Skunkmaster

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